你最喜欢 xkcd 的哪一张? - 知乎
你最喜欢 xkcd 的哪一张? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答切换模式登录/注册Geek 文化Reference相比之下喜欢哪个xkcd网络漫画梗(网络用语)你最喜欢 xkcd 的哪一张?xkcd 颇有些无所不涉的意思,直追 rule 34。那么,你最喜欢哪一张呢?显示全部 关注者313被浏览106,489关注问题写回答邀请回答好问题 51 条评论分享18 个回答默认排序匿名用户竟然还没有人提到,最震撼的艺术品无疑是幅 xkcd: Click and Drag看起来没什么,不过试试点进去拖动一下?点这里全屏浏览这幅这是解说文章 xkcd 神图“Click and Drag”个人来说最喜欢 @AlephAlpha 提到的那幅,放个中文版汉化 ent遵循原本的 Creative Commons 传播编辑于 2015-10-29 15:37赞同 952 条评论分享收藏喜欢收起AlephAlpha(*_*) 关注里边的元胞自动机是Rule 110,已经被证明是是图灵完备的。附Minecraft截图一张:编辑于 2014-06-14 22:37赞同 573 条评论分享收藏喜欢
xkcd - A webcomic
xkcd - A webcomic
Randall Munroe
Contact: -- Press questions, etc (may take a long time to get to me). -- What If? Questions. -- Anything else (Also may be slow).
Note: You are welcome to reprint occasional comics pretty much anywhere (presentations, papers, blogs with ads, etc). If you're not outright merchandizing, you're probably fine. Just be sure to attribute the comic to
IRC: #xkcd on
Wikipedia article: xkcd
Translations (unofficial):
Spanish, Russian, German. updates without fail every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Who are you?
I'm just this guy, you know? I'm a CNU graduate with a degree in physics. Before starting xkcd, I worked on robots at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia. As of June 2007 I live in Massachusetts. In my spare time I climb things, open strange doors, and go to goth clubs dressed as a frat guy so I can stand around and look terribly uncomfortable. At frat parties I do the same thing, but the other way around.
What else do you do?
Encourage people to get out and meet each other in, hopefully, interesting places via geohashing.
Host a gallery of photos inspired by comic #249.
Write books like What If?, How To, What If? 2 and Thing Explainer.
Who else are you?
Server maintenance and most of the coding for these sites is done by my friend davean, who tries hard to remain invisible but can be reached at Designer Christina Gleason also helps with posters, books, and various side projects.
What does XKCD stand for?
It's not actually an acronym. It's just a word with no phonetic pronunciation -- a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of four-character strings.
Where did all this start?
I was going through old math/sketching graph paper notebooks and didn't want to lose some of the work in them, so I started scanning pages. I took the more comic-y ones and put them up on a server I was testing out, and got a bunch of readers when BoingBoing linked to me. I started drawing more seriously, gained a lot more readers, started selling t-shirts on the site, and am currently shipping t-shirts and drawing this comic full-time. It's immensely fun and I really appreciate y'all's support.
Why can't I read the whole comic mouseover text in Firefox?
They can be read with extensions like Long Titles, or by right-clicking on the images and going to 'properties', then clicking and dragging to read the whole thing.
This is a bug in Firefox, Mozilla Bug #45375. It has been outstanding for many years now.
Note: It looks like it's been fixed in Firefox 3.0. Now, as an added tweak, to keep the tooltips from expiring while you're reading, you can use this.
Can we print xkcd in our magazine/newspaper/other publication?
If it's a not-for-profit publication, you need no permission -- just print them with attribution to You can post xkcd in your blog (whether ad-supported or not) with no need to get my permission.
How can I find the date a comic was posted?
The posting date is in the mouseover text on the archive page.
Is there an interface for automated systems to access comics and metadata?
Yes. You can get comics through the JSON interface, at URLs like (current comic) and (comic #614).
How do I write "xkcd"? There's nothing in Strunk and White about this.
For those of us pedantic enough to want a rule, here it is: The preferred form is "xkcd", all lower-case. In formal contexts where a lowercase word shouldn't start a sentence, "XKCD" is an okay alternative. "Xkcd" is frowned upon.
What is your favorite astronomical entity?
The Pleiades.
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_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10xkcd播报讨论上传视频兰道尔·门罗创作的漫画作品xkcd是兰道尔·门罗(Randall Munroe)的网名,又是他所创作的漫画的名称。作者兰道尔·门罗(Randall Munroe)给作品的定义是一部“关于浪漫、讽刺、数学和语言的网络漫画”(A webcomic of romance,sarcasm, math, and language),被网友誉为深度宅向网络漫画。原版名称《xkcd》作 者兰道尔·门罗(Randall Munroe)类 型网络漫画最近更新时间每周的星期一、三、五目录1漫画介绍2创作历程▪火柴人(主角)▪戴礼帽的人▪短头发女孩漫画介绍播报编辑兰道尔·门罗最早选择xkcd作为其网络上即时通讯的用户名,是因为他想要一个没有任何意义的名字,这样他就不会有一天对其感到厌倦。他注册了用户名之后一直未用,直到2005年9月他开始发布他的画作时才开始使用。他的漫画有众多支持者。官网Logo漫画的题材多种多样,包括生活感悟,爱情(一些爱情漫画仅仅是简单的图配上诗句),数学或科学笑话,计算机笑话,也有一些简单的幽默和流行文化。漫画中大部分都是简单的小人,但偶尔也会出现风景,复杂的数学图形,或者仿造其他漫画家的作品。 [1]创作历程播报编辑作品汉化版2005年9月,兰道尔·门罗决定将他在学校时在笔记本上的涂鸦扫描放到网上。 慢慢的,他建立起独立的网站,专门发布他的漫画,同时出售印有他漫画的T恤。他将全部精力投入到《xkcd》中,将这部漫画办成一个自给自足的网络漫画。2009年9月,门罗整理了一部分网上连载的xkcd漫画,结集出版了名为《xkcd:第0卷》的书,将出版该书所得全部收入捐给发展中国家。半年后,该书共计销售2万5千册。他在纽约和硅谷的签售会上共筹集3万2千美元,并将这笔钱捐给老挝的一所学校用来建立阅览室。 [2]火柴人(主角)火柴人最常出现的人物,有时就是作者自己戴礼帽的人通常很变态的家伙戴礼帽的人短头发女孩角动量主角的女友新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000xkcd: Earth/Venus Venn Diagram
xkcd: Earth/Venus Venn Diagram
Earth/Venus Venn Diagram(alt-text)
Actually, the fact that Mars is still orbiting safely over here means that it was technically an *Euler* apocalypse, not a Venn one.
What If? is now on YouTube!
Check out the first video for the answer to “What if we aimed the Hubble Telescope at Earth?”and follow xkcd’s What If? The Video Series channel to be notified about each new video.
What If?
你最喜欢 xkcd 的哪一张? - 知乎
你最喜欢 xkcd 的哪一张? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答切换模式登录/注册Geek 文化Reference相比之下喜欢哪个xkcd网络漫画梗(网络用语)你最喜欢 xkcd 的哪一张?xkcd 颇有些无所不涉的意思,直追 rule 34。那么,你最喜欢哪一张呢?显示全部 关注者313被浏览106,489关注问题写回答邀请回答好问题 51 条评论分享18 个回答按时间排序匿名用户角动量,永远感动! (Randall Munroe画自己老婆的往往都很温情)还有最近突然深有感触的:编辑于 2021-01-05 21:58赞同 2添加评论分享收藏喜欢收起匿名用户元胞自动机和1110都很赞。个人喜欢下三路的比如275和631(NSFW)。推荐几个汉化相关的站 偶尔有更新,目前接近300张 最新中文内容猛烈更新中,英文稍有lag和官网同步 有一些,但是似乎没维护了,证书也是坏的。 似乎偶有更新,但浏览方式比较随机微信公众号:W和神奇的xkcd 有一些最近有更新一些新内容,我目前在看这个。中文xkcd漫画索引 - Inspired Life! 这个网站似乎是个整合站,看目录大概是1000多张,机翻explain xkcd的内容在搜索的时候倒是莫名其妙的好用。编辑于 2020-01-03 15:19赞同 82 条评论分享收藏喜欢
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|<< PrevComic #2903 (March 6, 2024) Earth/Venus Venn DiagramTitle text: Actually, the fact that Mars is still orbiting safely over here means that it was technically an *Euler* apocalypse, not a Venn one.
This explanation may be incomplete or incorrect: Created by a PLANETARY IMPACT OF EARTH ∩ VENUS - Please continue to expand the description. Do NOT delete this tag too soon.
This comic appears to be a Venn diagram depicting Earth and Venus. A Venn diagram would be used to compare the two and show separate distinct traits that each has as well as, in the middle area, traits common to both planets. However, on reading the text, it becomes clear that the "diagram" actually depicts Earth colliding with Venus, as each of the circles in the diagram could be construed as the planets. The central label of "shockwaves and production of impact ejecta" is exactly what would be present in such a collision at the area of contact. The sizes of the two circles also match the relative sizes of the two planets, since Earth and Venus have about the same size (with Venus being the smaller of the two).
The title text continues the comparison by pointing out that Mars is part of the diagram, but presumably orbiting safely (just that we can't see it). Therefore, this makes the overall system an Euler diagram rather than a Venn one, as every circle in any way represented in a Venn diagram must intersect. xkcd has referenced the difference between Euler and Venn diagrams before. The title text also calls it an "Euler apocalypse" to emphasize that it represents an important event rather than the sets of traits that either type of diagram normally represents. Going off of this, a "Venn apocalypse" would consist of every (present) spherical body in the universe colliding simultaneously.
[Two circles are drawn so they overlap. The segments of the circles that overlap are drawn in dashed lines. Each circle has a label and text are written in the central overlapping part the circle. Above the circles there is a caption:]
Earth/Venus Venn Diagram
Left: Earth
Right: Venus
Center: Shock-waves and production of impact ejecta
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Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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1 Style
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5 See also
A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.—
xkcd is a webcomic drawn by Randall Munroe and hosted at It focuses on science, mathematics, technology, and general geekiness, told with a light, quirky sense of humor, and at times profound philosophizing. Its art style is minimalist, told through simple stick figures. New comics are posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and are accompanied by a title text, serving as Randall's commentary.
xkcd comics are usually plain, predominantly black-and-white line drawings, but sometimes they make use of hues beyond the usual monochrome colors, even if it is just red annotations. Although quite complex objects can be drawn, or conventionally cartoon-like representations of things and animals, a majority of the people featured are stick figures who have become a cast of recurring characters. The xkcd art style has undergone many changes over time. Initially, the comics were made by scanning hand-drawn sketches. However, they eventually transitioned to being entirely digitally inked and lettered. Another notable change was in the style of text used. While early comics featured sentence-case text, Randall began writing in all-caps non-cursive handwriting with 90: Jacket. It took several comics for this to become the standard practice. In the early days of xkcd, Randall used checkered paper with a grid for most of his initial drawings. This grid became a distinctive part of the style of the early xkcd comics, as it was used for most of his LiveJournal comics, and the last comic by date to use it was 39: Bowl. The faint remains of gridlines in some comics suggest that Randall may have erased gridlines in these comics. In 2012, Randall revived the blue grid as a background image for what if?.
Occasionally, Randall releases comics that go beyond the norm. These unique comics might involve user interactivity, utilize specific HTTP behaviors, or explore innovative graphic techniques, setting them apart from the ordinary static comics. He will use animated GIFs, rather than standard formats, for some of the simpler dynamic comic images and will engage with complex page and server-side scripting to present the reader with the more immersive or interactive content.
Meaning of "xkcd"[edit]
It's not actually an acronym. It's just a word with no phonetic pronunciation — a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of four-character strings.—Randall Munroe, Source
Actually, I've been using [xkcd] as just a unique point in the space of four-character strings to point to me. I've been using it as my name on every service box since at least the nineties, because I got tired of changing my name every time my interest changed. I started out when I was 10 years old when AOL first popped up and I was on there as, I think I had, first, "Skywalker4", then "Animorph7", and then [...] other names [...] like "Redtailedhawk6" or something. Eventually, I was like, I'm tired of names that point to other things, that identify me with those things. I want to get a string that will just point uniquely to me that's not my name, because that's kind of boring. And so, I [decided] to generate random strings and find one that had a certain set of qualities, which included:
none of the letters could be mistaken for other letters [or] numbers, so no "L", because "L", lower-cased, can look like "i" or "1";
it couldn't have any obvious acronym decoding [...] or be an existing acronym;
it couldn't be pronounceable because then it would sound like [...] a word, and people would think of other words like it.
So, I searched though a bunch of names that weren't taken, until I found one that wasn't taken on all the services I wanted.—Randall Munroe
According to the xkcd FAQ and Randall Munroe himself, the name "xkcd" doesn't stand for anything. In a Google speech, he said that it originated as a previously unused random four-letter string which he used as his username on various internet services. See also 207: What xkcd Means.
There are other theories about what xkcd stands for:
If each letter of the alphabet is mapped to 1 through 26, the sum of the values for "x", "k", "c", and "d" is equal to 42, which is the answer given to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything by the supercomputer in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. However, according to Randall himself, this is a coincidence.
A now-deleted Reddit account noted that typing "xkcd" on a Persian QWERTY keyboard returns "طنزی", which means satirical, sarcastic, and comic.
"X", "k", "c", and "d" are consecutive letters when typed on a left-handed Dvorak keyboard.
For more information, visit the LiveJournal.
I was going through old math/sketching graph paper notebooks and didn't want to lose some of the work in them, so I started scanning pages. I took the more comic-y ones and put them up on a server I was testing out, and got a bunch of readers when BoingBoing linked to me. I started drawing more seriously, gained a lot more readers, started selling t-shirts on the site, and am currently shipping t-shirts and drawing this comic full-time. It's immensely fun and I really appreciate y'all's support.—Randall Munroe
Before Randall started using the website for his comics, he posted them on LiveJournal using the "xkcd_drawings" account. The images on the page are now broken, but there are archived versions for the first 16 comics, comics from 17 to 27, and the last 20 comics. Randall didn't add a title text to his comics before, but most of the comics posted on LiveJournal had an original caption beneath the image, and many had comments by LiveJournal users. All the comics transferred to the new site had a title text, which was often along the same lines, but was almost never the same as the caption on LiveJournal. The original title, caption, and release number of these early comics can be viewed on their explanation page, so if you want to browse them in the original order, you can start here and follow the links at the top of each explanation to go to the next one. To view a list of all the comics in the original order, see Posted on LiveJournal.
The first thirteen comics were posted on LiveJournal within 12 minutes on September 30, 2005, on the first day of the xkcd LiveJournal account. The first comic posted on that day was 7: Girl sleeping (Sketch -- 11th grade Spanish class) and the last one was 11: Barrel - Part 2. Starting from the next post, he began following the normal Monday, Wednesday, Friday release date routine, although he often forgot to post the comic in time, making them come out a day earlier or a day later.
The last comic to be released before was in use was 39: Bowl. It was the forty-first comic posted on LiveJournal on December 5, 2005, but the following day Randall made another post, titled "Announcement": where he said he would post fewer comics during winter. This might be owing to his exams coming up, or the preparation for the release of the following year. The next LiveJournal comic, 45: Schrodinger, was released almost a month later, on January 4, 2006, after Randall had already posted all the previous comics to his new site.
The new xkcd website opened up on January 1, 2006, and the backlog of forty-one comics from LiveJournal from 1: Barrel - Part 1 to 44: Love was transferred on the same day, but in a completely different order. The only comic that has the same number on both sites is 3: Island (sketch), while all the other comics were uploaded seemingly at random. Also, only eleven of the original comic titles were reused of the new site, and even among the last eleven comics posted on both sites, only six used the same title. There were also two new comics released on the first day of (and one added a few months later) that have never been posted on LiveJournal. 12: Poisson and 5: Blown apart were exclusively published on the first day of and were never shared on LiveJournal. 36: Scientists was instead initially published as a duplicate of comic 10: Pi Equals. Over three months after the original posting, Randall noticed the error and corrected it sometime between April 23, 2006 and July 5, 2006, when the updated version appeared in the Web Archive. He likely found an old drawing that was never meant for publication and used it instead, so it wouldn't appear out of place among the other comics from that period. This is why 36: Scientists doesn't have a date like every other comic.
Most of the eleven comics posted on LiveJournal after the new website opened, from 45: Schrodinger to 55: Useless, were posted on the same days on both sites. For unknown reasons, on January 18, 2006, 54: Science was posted on LiveJournal on the same day that 51: Malaria was released on Three days later, on January 21, 2006, 51: Malaria was posted on LiveJournal, thus forcing the next two comics (52: Secret Worlds and 53: Hobby) to be released on two days before LiveJournal. Four days later, on January 25, 2006, 54: Science was finally posted on, which fixed the date discrepancies and allowed the next comic, 55: Useless, to be published on the same day across both sites. When the next comic, 56: The Cure, came out only on on January 30, 2006, Randall made a post on LiveJournal, titled "xkcd drawings moving to RSS feed", to let people know he would only post new comics to and abandon LiveJournal.
Other wikis[edit]
RationalWiki – They often use its comics on their articles.
TV Tropes
Geek Feminism Wiki
Fortran Wiki
See also[edit]
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[2211.13929] XKD: Cross-modal Knowledge Distillation with Domain Alignment for Video Representation Learning
[2211.13929] XKD: Cross-modal Knowledge Distillation with Domain Alignment for Video Representation Learning
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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
arXiv:2211.13929 (cs)
[Submitted on 25 Nov 2022 (v1), last revised 24 Dec 2023 (this version, v5)]
Title:XKD: Cross-modal Knowledge Distillation with Domain Alignment for Video Representation Learning
Authors:Pritam Sarkar, Ali Etemad Download a PDF of the paper titled XKD: Cross-modal Knowledge Distillation with Domain Alignment for Video Representation Learning, by Pritam Sarkar and Ali Etemad
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Abstract:We present XKD, a novel self-supervised framework to learn meaningful representations from unlabelled videos. XKD is trained with two pseudo objectives. First, masked data reconstruction is performed to learn modality-specific representations from audio and visual streams. Next, self-supervised cross-modal knowledge distillation is performed between the two modalities through a teacher-student setup to learn complementary information. We introduce a novel domain alignment strategy to tackle domain discrepancy between audio and visual modalities enabling effective cross-modal knowledge distillation. Additionally, to develop a general-purpose network capable of handling both audio and visual streams, modality-agnostic variants of XKD are introduced, which use the same pretrained backbone for different audio and visual tasks. Our proposed cross-modal knowledge distillation improves video action classification by $8\%$ to $14\%$ on UCF101, HMDB51, and Kinetics400. Additionally, XKD improves multimodal action classification by $5.5\%$ on Kinetics-Sound. XKD shows state-of-the-art performance in sound classification on ESC50, achieving top-1 accuracy of $96.5\%$.
AAAI 2024
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
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arXiv:2211.13929 [cs.CV]
arXiv:2211.13929v5 [cs.CV] for this version)
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Submission history From: Pritam Sarkar [view email] [v1]
Fri, 25 Nov 2022 06:51:35 UTC (2,835 KB)
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 03:59:11 UTC (11,924 KB)
Mon, 12 Dec 2022 21:36:35 UTC (2,782 KB)
Wed, 5 Apr 2023 06:20:28 UTC (1,589 KB)
Sun, 24 Dec 2023 10:18:13 UTC (12,816 KB)
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