全方位教你搞懂故事板(概念、术语、例子、工具) - 知乎
全方位教你搞懂故事板(概念、术语、例子、工具) - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册全方位教你搞懂故事板(概念、术语、例子、工具)wongtimhon什么是故事板?故事板(Storyboard)是指一系列插图以及相关注释按照时间顺序排列在一起组成的一个可视化故事,也被称为“可视化剧本(Visual Script)”。故事板可以清晰表达一个故事将怎么展示及讲述。故事板最早起源于动画行业,它展示了各个镜头之间的关系,以及镜头间如何串联起来的。除了动画行业、视频行业,现在故事板越来越多地应用到不同领域,如产品设计、教学设计、公关策划等。乍一看,故事板很容易和连环漫画混为一谈,但实际上连环漫画已经是最终的产品形态,而故事板只是动画、电影及视频制作过程中的中间环节,它是视频制作前期十分重要的部分。视频制作阶段故事板的作用故事板的作用重大,它能够清晰传达还没开拍的视频大概长什么样。故事板,或者分镜脚本,可以帮助你从0开始规划一部视频的整个制作流程,同时可以让整个创意过程更加简单化。虽然刚开始写故事板会花费一些时间,但对于整个制作流程来看,它能够帮助你节省时间和金钱。没有故事板就制作视频,无异于进行一场没有地图的旅行。故事板重要术语无论你是刚接触故事板,还是行业老司机,你都需要知道一些关键的故事板术语。我们准备了一些最常见的故事板术语供你在日常工作中使用:故事板模版(Storyboard Template)纵横比/帧比例(Aspect Ratio)帧/帧画面(Frame)镜头(Shot)线稿(Rough Sketches)剧本(Script)分镜(Shot List)旁白(Voiceover)对白(Dialogue)风格帧(Style Frame)音效(Sound Effects)背景音乐(Background Music)动态分镜(Animatic)分层(Layering)镜头景别(Shot Types)运镜(Camera Moves)故事板模版(Storyboard Template)如果你用纸和笔创作故事板,那么有一个故事板模版会方便很多。你可以把故事板模版直接打印出来,你只需要在每一帧里起草画面,并写标注好场景、镜头、编号等信息即可。常见的纸质故事板模版除此以外,你还可以使用专业的在线故事板软件(如:小镜故事板,xjstoryboard),一般都有预设的故事板板式。使用纸质模版的优势是不需要电脑,拿出纸笔随时可以画,但这种方法修改起来会比较麻烦:调整分镜顺序或者故事板框架几乎不可能,更不用说与同事一起协同制作。不用说,一个优秀的在线故事板软件则可以让整个创作过程变得简单一些。小镜故事板-调整画面顺序纵横比/帧比例(Aspect Ratio)纵横比(或者叫帧比例、宽高比)是指画面的宽和高的比例。纵横比决定了画面的形状。纵横比一般会用比例的形式表示(如16:9)。下面是一些常见的纵横比:16:9 (宽屏)1:1 (方屏)4:3 (传统电视屏)9:16 (社交媒体短视频竖屏)2.35:1 (宽银幕)16:9是标准的宽屏纵横比另外,我们也会直接去描述视频尺寸大小或者帧尺寸,这个也会跟视频清晰度相关,下面是一些常见的尺寸大小(单位像素):4K : 4096x2160(我们常说的4k高清)2K : 2048x1080 (2k高清)1080P : 1920x1080 (我们常说的全高清,一般意义上的高清的泛称)720P :1280x720 (高清视频,画质高清,运算更快,占盘更小)PAL :720x576 (标清格式,之前电视视频的标准规范)帧/帧画面(Frame)故事板由一连串独立的帧(画面)组成,每一帧描绘了一个故事里的一个特定的时刻或事件。你可以根据需求来定义一个故事板中有多少帧,只要保证能够包含足够多的帧来清楚传达故事及创意即可。帧画面镜头(Shot)镜头一般由一系列动作或事件组成,换句话说,镜头会包含一个或多个连续的帧画面。在故事板中,镜头可以用不同的方式进行标记,也就是我们常说的“镜号”。最基础的方式是用顺序数字(例如1,2,3,4)标记帧画面,这种方式适用于每个镜头只有一个帧画面的情况。但对于更加复杂的动作,例如一个镜头下包括多个帧画面的时候,我们需要将相互关联的帧放在一组里进行标记,一般是数字+字母形式,例如1a,1b,1c。在电影制作领域,一般会将镜头标记为10的倍数(如:010,020,030,040)。这种方式有一个好处:在故事板中新增镜头十分方便。例如,如果在010及020镜头间新增一个镜头,这个镜头可以标记为015。线稿(Rough Sketches)在创作前期,故事板一般由粗糙的线稿或者草图组成。创作这些线稿的过程我们称之为打草稿(scamping)。这个过程的目的是让人理解你要创作的故事,同时根据需求可以快速进行修正。一般简笔画就可以了,毕竟故事板的线稿不应该被视为是珍贵的艺术作品。粗糙的草图剧本(Script)在开始创作故事板之前,你一般需要先从剧本开始。剧本一般是以文字形式展示,而故事板你可以理解为是一个“可视化剧本”。剧本可以简单到只有几段文字,勾勒出一个故事的框架即可。当然,剧本也可以很复杂,包含诸如过渡、旁白等很详细的细节信息。分镜(Shot list)分镜可以说是视频拍摄制作的蓝图。它准确描述了每一个场景会发生什么以及怎么样去拍摄和制作这个场景,详细描述拍摄每一个镜头所需要做的事情。分镜一般会包含诸如镜号,地点,镜头描述,帧画面,对话,涉及的演员以及所需要的道具等信息。分镜表很多人会把分镜和故事板混为一谈,个人认为两者还是有些区别的。故事板着重描述故事走向,展示故事创意;分镜侧重讲述拍摄制作的执行。也有人说故事板是给甲方爸爸看的,分镜是团队内部使用的。当需要同时制作故事板和分镜表时,借助专业的故事板工具会简单很多,例如小镜故事板(xjstoryboard),完成故事板编辑后即可一键生成分镜表。分镜表一键生成旁白(Voiceover)旁白在视频制作中十分常见,正因如此,你会经常在故事板中看见有旁白这一行。有时候为了创作方便,故事板上旁白也可以写成VO,或者V.O.。旁白的作用是对一些列视频画面进行叙事或叙述。很重要的一点,讲旁白的人一般都不会在视频画面中。对话(Dialogue)一般对话会出现在两个或更多人在进行沟通的画面中。对话能够传达信息,同时展示人物特点。一般对话的时候,会让观众看到视频中人物眼睛的运动。对话向我们展示了人物的感受,而并不仅仅只是告诉我们对话的内容(这就是演技的体现)。风格帧(Style frame)风格帧是彩色的画面,属于影片美术的一环,帮助整个视频故事画面风格进行定调。个人理解风格帧与关键帧是一个概念,一般不需要整个故事板都做彩色画面,只要选择关键镜头的帧画面进行即可。一般的流程是:分镜故事草图-分镜故事板-关键帧气氛图,下图展示了三者的差别:网上广为流传的关键帧三部曲音效(Sound effects)音效是后期制作时加入的一些人工合成的声音,可以提高某些场景的真实度,例如汽车的轰鸣声,鸟叫声或其他背景音。背景音乐(Background music)顾名思义,背景音乐指在视频某些片段加入的音乐。背景音乐并不是视频的主要焦点,但它能与观众产生情感共鸣。动态分镜(Animatic)动态分镜是把一系列静态分镜图串联成序列,并渲染成视频,一般还会配上音乐。简单来说,动态分镜是动态版的故事板。在前期制作阶段,故事板阶段完成后即可制作动态分镜。故事板及分镜只要用于展示故事走向、拍摄计划制作等等沟通,而动态分镜则可为后期的制作奠定时间和画面节奏。动态分镜可以使用photoshop制作。除此以外,现在有很多专业的分镜制作软件(如小镜故事板可以方便快捷的生成动态分镜。你只要在小镜故事板中上传好分镜头,点击“预览”或“分享”即可一键生成动态分镜。小镜故事板编辑界面,点击 分享/预览 按钮即可一键生成动态分镜小镜故事板动态分镜界面分层(Layering)分层指对画面中元素进行不同层次设计的过程。分层能让画面的视觉更加真实,同时可以维持视觉兴趣点,让观众快速捕获画面焦点。画面一般会有三个层次:前景、中景及背景(这个类似于绘画中的近景、中景及远景):前景Foreground(FGD):前景是指画面中离观众视距最近的部分,前景是最能突出的表现具体的细节,例如:人物手上的道具,离人物最近的桌子、椅子等。如果大家要表现画面上的透视、立体感、纵深感等,前景就是非常重要的了。前景能烘托出景物的大小,让观看作品的人了解到有关画面景物各部分相对的比例,给人以远近的空间感、产生很直观的印象。中景Middleground(MGD):是指离画面视觉中心范围内的中间部分,一般都在视觉中心处,与视线中景以表现具体的情节动作为主,适合表现人物的精神面貌,不适合表现整个环境。背景Background(BGD):背景在画面中离中心视点距离较远、较开阔的景物。背景的作用主要是延伸画面的视觉层次,增加作品的意境及丰富画面的。镜头景别(Shot types)景别是指被摄主体和画面形象在取景框架结构中所呈现出的大小和范围。值得注意的是,景别是一种约定成俗的概念,没有很严格的衡量标准,在不同类型的影片或是创作者之间对于景别的界定可能有所区别,下面是一些比较常见的景别:远景镜头 Long shot:远景可以展现整个宏观环境,如果其中有人物的话,人物一般都比较渺小,只能看到轮廓,脸部细节等基本看不清,在画面中并不突出。远景一般都是用来交代背景环境,故事发生的场景需要切换时,往往也会用远景来转场。《指环王3:王者无敌》中的远景镜头全景镜头 Full shot:全景指画面中主体完整(从头到脚)的填充画面,一般用以表现运动和环境,可以展现完整的环境、人物等,且被拍对象的细节特征,相比远景,展现得会更多一点。《辛德勒的名单》中的全景镜头交代镜头 Establishing shot:交代镜头一般会出现在故事最开始的时候,通过场景构建交代环境、地点、人物、故事调性等信息,让观众对即将发生的故事一目了然。交代镜头一般会使用全景镜头或者远景镜头。中景镜头 Medium shot:中景有时候被成为3/4景别,一般会展示被拍主题膝盖或者腰部以上的画面。中景一般都用在情绪比较平缓的对话或者独白中,起到过渡的作用。《迷失东京》中的中景镜头牛仔镜头 Cowboy shot:牛仔镜头又称为“美国式中景”,是中景的一种变形,常见于美国的西部片中。在美国西部片中经常会有拍摄一半马背及马背上牛仔的镜头,或者将镜头距离拉到牛仔膝盖以上的部分,为了表现佩戴于大腿的枪套和拔枪动作。《不可饶恕》中的牛仔镜头近景镜头 Medium Close-up:近景是介于中景和特写之间的景别,一般是从人物主体的胸部或者肩膀开始,可以展现出人物的形态和情绪,多用于展现人物面部形态及手部动作。《绿皮书》中的近景镜头特写镜头 Close shot:特写镜头是所有镜头景别中最小的。用人物主体的头部或者脸部来填充画面,使镜头紧紧抓住角色,一般用来重点表现角色的情绪和细微动作。多用于渲染最为强烈的氛围和情绪。起到强调和突出、夸张重要性的作用。而用人物主体脖子上所带项链往上的部分来填充画面,进一步放大人物的情绪,渲染故事气氛,有时候也被称为“Choker"。《国王的演讲》中的特写镜头大特写镜头 Extreme close shot:大特写作为特写镜头的延伸,对人物主体的部分进行特写来填充画面,用于极端情绪的表达,起到更为夸张和着重的功能。由于特写多含有夸张和渲染气氛的功能,所以也被称为“最具电影感的镜头”。而只针对于眼部的特写镜头有时候也被称为“Italian Shot”。大特写仰视镜头 Up shot:仰视镜头将摄影机处于低位,被摄物体处于较高的位置,可增加视觉对象的威胁性。这种镜头充满了紧张与压迫的感觉,它无形之中将被摄物体提升到了其背景所应有的心理高度上,视觉对象成为了力量的象征,更带有一种速度感和紧迫感。《小丑》中的仰拍镜头俯视 Down shot:俯视镜头将摄影机处于高位,被摄物体处于较低的位置。俯视镜头中视觉对象会自然变得弱小卑微,减弱了其威胁性,相对的增强了主观视角的威胁性。《小丑》中的俯拍镜头主观视觉镜头 Point of view shot:主观视觉镜头一般又称POV镜头,以第一人称视觉展示人物所看到的画面。POV是一种表达人物主观视角的镜头,一般用来吸引观众的眼球,可以让人产生沉浸式的体验和极强的代入感,不局限于长片和短片,都可以采用第一人称拍摄的方式,以增加真实与身临其境的感觉。过肩镜头 Over the shoulder shot:过肩镜头又称为拉背镜头,摄影机背对着一个角色、面对着另一个角色,所以我们会在镜头中看见一个人的肩和背,为观众建立了一条视线,可以让我们进入一个亲密的视角。过肩镜头常用来处理人物对话的场景,它是一种关系镜头,会交待人物之间的位置关系,把观众放在旁观者的位置,从而可以加强观众的影片代入感。《泰坦尼克号》中的过肩镜头双人镜头 Two shot:一般以中景拍摄的包含了两个角色面部的镜头。双人镜头最常见的用法是作为两个人对话的主镜头,有时单独使用,有时与其他不同景别的镜头组合使用,以突出对话过程中的戏剧动作。《肖申克的救赎》中的双人镜头运镜 Camera moves在镜头中加入不同的运镜会让你的视频更加引人入胜,在进行视频分镜头设计或者故事板设计时,精准的运镜说明会事半功倍。以下是一些你需要知道的常见的运镜方式:常见运镜图示变焦(Zoom):通过使用可变焦距镜头实现全景视角镜头到近景的连续拍摄。直播导演的常用口令Zoom in或Tighten表示放大、拉近,而Zoom out或Loosen表示缩小,拉远到远景镜头。左右摇摄(Pan):以摄像机支架为轴向右或向左旋转移动摄像机镜头,常用口令Pan right表示向右平摄,Pan left表示向左平摄。俯仰拍摄(Tilt):以摄像机支架为轴向上仰拍或向下俯拍,常用口令Tilt up表示向上仰拍,Tilt down表示向下俯拍。推轨拍摄(Dolly):一种摄像机轨道支架,允许摄像机向不同方向平稳移动。常用口令Dolly in表示摄像机和支架向前移动,Dolly out表示摄像机和支架向后移动。跟随拍摄(Truck):摄像机和支架整体跟随拍摄对象一起移动拍摄。常用口令Truck left表示向左移动,Truck right表示向右移动。升降拍摄(Pedestal):将摄像机固定于摇臂上,进行竖直方向上的升降运动,在这个过程中,摄像机镜头不发生俯仰或是摇移的变化。故事板工具推荐故事板视频分镜app大致分为两类:绘制工具及故事板编排创作工具。绘制工具目前市面上比较主流的有:ToonBoom、Storyboarder、Photoshop等等。而故事板编排创作工具,推荐一下小镜故事板(xjstoryboard):好用的视频脚本创作工具以及分享社区。付诸行动虽然故事板创作只是预制作流程中的一个环节,但它所带来的价值是无可限量的。毕竟清晰传达及展示视频创意和想法是最基本的一部分。还是那句话:几乎每个精彩的影片都从故事板创作开始。发布于 2022-11-17 12:47・IP 属地上海术语storyboard分镜赞同 14添加评论分享喜欢收藏申请
有哪些好用的故事板(storyboard)app? - 知乎
有哪些好用的故事板(storyboard)app? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答切换模式登录/注册导演编剧分镜(影视动画)电影编剧分镜头脚本有哪些好用的故事板(storyboard)app?关注者918被浏览763,224关注问题写回答邀请回答好问题 17添加评论分享15 个回答默认排序动画学术趴已认证账号 关注必须推荐一个良心好用的神器!用它做故事板再也不用担心深夜熬秃头了!那就是由英国伦敦的动画工作室Animade呕心沥血六个月,开发出的界面简单、功能实用的在线故事板编辑器——Boords Boords的开发团队Animade本身就是一家成立六年有余的动画公司,创始人Tom Judd和James Chambers都是伦敦皇家艺术学院动画和交互设计专业的研究生。在校期间,室友两人一拍即合,把共同完成的项目发展为了正式工作室。 他们的作品常常十分俏皮、充满新意,范围涵盖电视广告、社交媒体、创意小游戏、艺术设计等各种形式。就连他们为Boords制作的宣传片,也充满了一贯抽象、搞怪的风格,先来一起看看吧。 英国动画工作室Animade故事板编辑器Boords宣传片_腾讯视频那么Boords到底是怎样一款故事板神器呢?先来看看使用Boords创作的故事板成品实例吧: 实例完整网页版可以看这里:是不是看上去井井有条,非常赏心悦目?Boords超越传统故事板软件的优点,可以归纳为以下几方面:主题界面美观简单,不需复杂的教程就能轻松上手故事板内容可以反复修改编辑,最大程度保证灵活便捷自动保存修改、一键导出PDF和网页链接,省去繁琐步骤支持团队合作,具有带密码分享、多人编辑、添加批注等功能下面小趴来具体带大家领略一下这个工具的强大!注册页面:Boords的UI设计和它内载的编辑器一样简洁,注册页、个人主页和故事板编辑器等主要界面色调清新、各区域功能一目了然,图标亦没有拥挤之感。 个人主页 :核心功能——故事板编辑器也只有两个主要区块,中央区块用于编辑故事板关键帧,右上角则列出了队伍设置、导出分享等其余所有的辅助功能图标,根本不用担心迷失在复杂的工具栏里。 故事板编辑界面 :中央区块以灵活易操作为主要设计理念,在这里你可以随心所欲地控制每个关键帧——插入新帧、删除旧帧、更换关键帧图片、拖拽关键帧调换顺序。 导入故事板 :插入新帧 :拖拽关键帧调换顺序 :利用Boords自带的关键帧描述框填写画外音和动作说明时,使用tab键还能省时省力地快速切换输入框。 输入关键帧描述 :(小贴士:关键帧也支持中英文输入,跨语言合作变得更加容易了!) 中英文输入 :你甚至可以直接在关键帧上画出你的新创意。不用担心修改太多会造成进程丢失,大部分编辑都是自动保存的,需要手动保存的画画功能也只需点击一次“Save”就能由网页自动上传保存。 修改关键帧图片 :除了中央区块以外,右上角的辅助功能条也是使用Boords时不可错过的区域。辅助功能主要分为两类,一类是导出和保存,只需点击右上角工具栏内的导出图标就可以输出PDF,输出的同时还能选择每页的帧数、添加自己的logo、设置封面和尾页等等。 导出故事板 :导出后的故事板PDF文件延续Boords的整体风格,排版整洁美观,保留文字注解和最终画面定稿的同时不留草稿、修改痕迹。 PDF截图 :点击保存图标则可以把故事板内使用的所有关键帧图片和文字描述以压缩包的形式下载到电脑。看来这不仅是一个云端编辑器,还可以当做工作小组网盘来使用呢! 下载故事板压缩包 :一类辅助功能则是Boords最具特色的强大团队合作功能。这一类功能包含分享带密码的网络链接、添加小组成员以便多人编辑、同时保存同一故事板的多个版本等。 分享链接 :此外还有呼声颇高的批注系统,不仅能使你针对每一幅关键帧进行评注,而且能将他人的批注显示在你的批注侧栏中!除了同一小组的成员可以相互留言以外,没有注册Boords账号的客户和其他人员也能收到分享链接并留下批注。这样就免去漏掉修改意见的担忧了。 添加批注 :想要更详细了解Boords的小伙伴可以观看完整的官方介绍视频: 故事板编辑器Boords官方介绍视频_腾讯视频也可以从浏览器输入网址进入Boords的主页,点击右上角绿色按钮注册你的个人使用账号开始体验。 个人账号注册七天之内,使用Boords是完全免费的。七天之后如果还想继续使用,可以按照自己的需求订购官方提供的资费套餐: 快用这款故事板制作神器拯救你的作业吧! 最后再来一发安利! 关注微信公众号「动画学术趴」,更多动画相关的姿势和知识都在等着你解锁!知乎上还有同名专栏动画学术趴定期搬运深度内容哦~妈妈说爱点赞的小孩才能考高分哦!编辑于 2017-06-09 17:19赞同 73118 条评论分享收藏喜欢收起世玮动画/游戏 关注几周前才通过Animade的ins主页得知有Boords这样的神器,但还没有亲身体验过,感谢 @动画学术趴 的分享,看了让我更加跃跃欲试。虽说个人便好打印template手画storyboard,但毕竟需要向人展示时操作起来特别不方便。有时候图省事就用photoshop的timeline (图侵删):优点是易学上手快,图省事也无所谓潦草与否的时候最实用,并且相信大部分人对photoshop笔刷都很熟悉了,没有那么多机关和功能,而缺点也在此,有很多其他专业storyboard软件几下摆平的事,photoshop要人工手动操作很久。并且无法有一个平面的纵览图,如果是很长的storyboard需要拉动时间轴费力翻找。所以如果是需要完成比较精细和专业的storyboard,个人推荐ToonBoom Storyboard pro,与动画软件Harmony是同一间公司开发哒,现在也是被广泛认可的软件了,个人认为是业界良心。Storyboard pro虽然功能多,但只要很短时间的学习就可以掌握,官网自带教程。缺点大概就是每个月要钱了吧。。。有一个一周还是一个月的free trial感兴趣的童鞋可以下载来试试。以下是Storyboard pro的一些亮点,图侵删:1. 界面大概如下,工具栏可以随意调整,简洁好用2. 完成绘制后可以选择直接导出各种格式的Animatic视频,也可以选择导出各种格式的平面故事版(如下图),平面故事版中有选项可自行添加文字说明。3. 添加Camera Movement十分便捷,如图所示红框和绿框是镜头捕捉的画面范围,它们会出现在自动生成的平面故事版小图中作为画面的注解,而在导出的Animatic视频中镜头则会按照相应的方式移动或Zoom in/out。软件同时也自带一些简单的画面过渡效果(crossfade之类)。(以及如下面这张图所示,时间轴上可以直接添加声音,但操作起来没有专门的视频编辑软件方便)4. 笔刷很喜欢ToonBoom里带纹理的笔刷,有比如铅笔或者粉笔之类的,可以给storyboard相应的基调,也可以自定义需要的笔刷。另外笔刷工具分为Pencil (vector) 和 Brush (bitmap) 两种,导出的影片与平面Storyboard都会自动生成为bitmap。笔刷工具栏里特意带有蓝色铅笔和红色铅笔两种,方便起草与修正。以及最后,我真的觉得Storyboard pro可以当作动画软件来用。。在还没完全搞懂和掌握功能齐全的Harmony之前用Storyboard pro画过几个小动画,诸如onion layer这类的功能也一应俱全,一旦习惯了整个操作效率也是很高哒。编辑于 2017-06-12 21:56赞同 826 条评论分享收藏喜欢
How to Make a Storyboard — Ultimate Guide & FREE Templates
How to Make a Storyboard — Ultimate Guide & FREE Templates
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How to Make a Storyboard — Ultimate Guide & FREE Templates
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You’ve got a big shoot coming up. You want to visualize the scenes you plan to shoot but you’re wondering how to make a storyboard that touches on everything a good one should. Drawing and formatting fears, technical limitations, concerns about budget — there are a lot of reasons to avoid this process. But it doesn’t have to be stressful. You just have to know how to create a storyboard in the most efficient way. These seven easy steps will have you storyboarding like a master filmmaker in no time.
How to Make a Storyboard in StudioBinder
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Choose your mediumDetermine your aspect ratioCreate or import your imagesUse arrows for motionAdd shot numbers and notesShare and present your workHow To Make A StoryboardWhat is a storyboard & why they matterThe process of taking the vision in your head and turning it into images on screen usually begins with a storyboard. And this serves two functions — to refine your ideas on paper and to share these ideas with your film crew. Therefore, the more you understand how to make a storyboard, the more efficient they can be.Before we go too much further, let's answer the question: What is a storyboard?Storyboard definitionWhat is a storyboard?A storyboard is a visual representation of a film sequence and breaks down the action into individual panels. It sketches out how a video sequence will unfold. And it functions as a trial-run for your finished film, video, or commercial, laid out in a comic book-like form.How to make a storyboard (guidelines):A linear sequence of drawings, reference images or photographs that represent each shot in a scene.Provides a visual guidance for look, feel and movement.Indicates the staging of actors and camera placement.May include dialogue and sound direction.The storyboard is important on so many levels. For example, it is a presentation tool, indispensable for pitches. It is also a planning tool, critical for pre-visualizing your project. And it’s also collaboration catalyst that puts your team on the same page and gets everyone’s creative wheels spinning. Ready to learn how to make a storyboard? Here’s your guide to writing a storyboard like a pro.How to Create a Storyboard1. Choose your storyboard mediumBefore you start gathering images, drawing panels, hiring a storyboard artist, or doing any nuts-and-bolts illustration and pre-visualization work, you need to decide which medium to choose.Basically, there are two options: the old-school method of drawing on paper and the more modern incarnation of using storyboarding software like StudioBinder's Storyboard Creator.For the hand-drawn method, you can download our free storyboard template pack and then use our guide on how to use a storyboard template. Free downloadable bonusFREE Storyboard Template DownloadsIf you prefer the old-school, pen and paper method of storyboarding, download our FREE printable templates. Included are 60+ files for Word, Illustrator, Photoshop, and PDFs. You can also choose various layouts between 2- and 16-panel sheets in landscape or portrait. GET THE PDF But how can you make a storyboard if you can't draw? Here are some alternative storyboarding methods for non-artists.There's actually a way to combine the old and new methods by importing your hand-drawn boards into StudioBinder.Here's our step-by-step guide on How to Use Storyboard Creator.Related PostsStoryboard Artist Job Description →Best Storyboard Software You Should Use →How to Use a Storyboard Template Explained →How to Make a Storyboard for a Movie2. Determine your aspect ratioEven if you think you know nothing about how to storyboard a video, you probably know that a lot of panels are involved.But how big should those panels be? Believe it or not, storyboard dimensions are an essential decision to be made before beginning the process.This is simply a matter of determining your aspect ratio — the size and shape of the frame of your camera. Not sure how to pick your aspect ratio? Check out the following video and for the general approach.
How to decide on the aspect ratio of your projectWhen using StudioBinder, you can preview the various industry-standard aspect ratios. This masks each image non-destructively, and you can adjust on-the-fly at any point.
Changing aspect ratio in StudioBinderSo even if your images don't exactly match the aspect ratio, you're fine. Just upload an image to preview the look of the frame. Pick the aspect ratio that works best for your project, and design your images for that size.In the example below, click the image to toggle through the various aspect ratios. There you'll find the pop-out window in the upper left corner. How to create a storyboard • Choose an aspect ratioAspect ratios do different things for different projects. Star Wars, The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction — their aspect ratios help define their worlds. Therefore, whatever aspect ratio you pick, you’ll want to design your images with that in mind.Related PostsStoryboard Dimensions Explained →Identify and Calculate your Aspect Ratio Here →How Christopher Nolan Changes Aspect Ratios on Shot Lists →How to Storyboard a Film3. Create or import your imagesIn this section, we get into the nitty-gritty. Once you’ve determined your aspect ratio, you’ll need to start creating or gathering images. There are essentially two schools of thought. As mentioned earlier, you either go "old school" with pencil and paper or you go with digital storyboards.You can take photos of your own, or use images from TV shows and movies as your visual references. As long as they clearly communicate your vision, there's no reason not to.However, no matter the medium you choose, the content of your boards should be approached with the same level of purpose and detail. This is where storyboard composition comes into play. For example, the most important objects are the actors. As such, you need to make sure that they are front and center.Creating a Storyboard Starts with SubjectThis is where all the creative and practical decisions can be made (and remade) without consequence. For example, choosing your shot sizes, your camera angles, or your camera movement can be worked out in advance, saving you time and creative energy when you're actually on set.You'll find our complete playlist of videos on these various elements in our Shot List series on YouTube. Additionally, you can also read more about the do's and don'ts of storyboarding.Related PostsThe Rules of Thirds Explained →Deep Focus Shots and How to Use Them →Shot Composition in Film — A Complete Guide →Movie Storyboard Movement4. Use arrows for motionIt can be difficult to represent a "motion picture" using a static image. However, there is one solution that is quite simple and clear — storyboard arrows. These arrows indicate motion on the screen, for either the camera or the character.How to write a storyboard with arrowsArrows show us where characters are going within the frame. For example, are they moving towards or away from the camera? Walking down the street? Camera movement sets up how we see the action. Is it a close-up or a wide shot? Is it a static shot? Or a tracking shot following the main character? Here are some quick examples of how arrows are used to indicate a moving camera. How to do a storyboard with camera movementIf you're using software like StudioBinder, you can select the various camera movements in the shot specs. When we add camera movement, we can also select shot size, shot type, and lens details as well.Click the image below to explore the various shot specs:How to storyboard a video • Customize shot specsAs you can see, using arrows to indicate motion is a rather intuitive process. For reference on how to make a storyboard with camera movement, you can use our Ultimate Guide to Camera Movement.
How to Make a Storyboard with Camera Movement • Subscribe on YouTubeFor more, check out our other post on How to Storyboard Camera Movement.How to Write a Storyboard Sequence5. Add shot numbers & notesWithout shot numbers, your crew and creative collaborators won’t understand references to specific shots. When you're creating a storyboard manually, make sure to number every shot in the correct order.For example, if you use more than one panel for the same shot, label them with letters as well. So if the first shot has three panels, you would label them “1A,” “1B,” and “1C." See the example below for what this looks like.As mentioned, StudioBinder automatically adjusts and updates shot numbers. Drag-and-drop your image to a new spot in the sequence to make your labeling and organizing efficient.Additionally, the other element to add is storyboard notes. This is any text added to the image to help clarify the action or fill in the gaps between panels.Here's an example from Salt that provides an extra layer of detail and information. Moreover, these notes are especially useful in action scenes to help mark each action beat.Notes and annotations help guide the storyWith this process, convey the intention. Label clearly. Get in and out. It’s pre-visualization, not production. Production comes soon.Related PostsFREE Download: Storyboard Template →Storyboarding Camera Movement Explained →How Arrows Work for Camera and Character Movement →How to Storyboard a Video6. Share and present your workIt’s time to take your finished panels and distribute them to your team — your cinematographer, your Art Department, anyone who needs to know what you’re looking to capture.If you’re pitching a video concept, now’s the time pull back the curtain on your boards and share them with clients.Or if you took the “old school” route, there are a couple options for sharing and presenting your work. The first is to create a binder (probably multiples) that contains the full storyboard. The second is to create a literal "story board" where many paper panels are displayed for presentation to a large group.That being said, if you’re using cloud-based software, sharing is easy with just a few clicks.Directors and 1st ADs may want edit access to elaborate on shot specs or logistics. Others, like clients or executives, may want comment access to provide feedback.
Sharing and Collaborating in StudioBinderHow many frames do you want per row? There's no perfect answer. When you're working on an action scene like a car chase, it might be beneficial to have four frames per row t0 fit as much on a single page as possible.Or if it's a slower-paced scene and you want the detail work to come across, two or three panels could do the trick.Using StudioBinder, you can create a slideshow. This presents the board as a single panel at a time that you can advance when ready. That way, you don’t need to worry about video editing or making a flip book.
Activating Slideshow View in StudioBinderCheck out an example of a slideshow below. This is a portion of the opening sequence from Austin Powers in Goldmember. Click the image and then select the "Slideshow" view in the upper right corner. In doing so, you can flip between the images to get a sense of the scene:How to storyboard a video • Play the slideshowIf you want to know how to write a storyboard as a motion sequence, you can string together your individual images as a video. This is called an animatic and it is certainly a more evolved and polished way to present your boards. For more presentation tips, read our post on How to Display Storyboards.In conclusion, a storyboard is a communication tool. It exists to help turn your vision into a finished work. It’s there for you to share with others.This process can seem like one of the most daunting challenges in filmmaking. But rather than look at it as a frightening task, remember that it’s meant to help make your project even better.Related PostsAladdin's Alternate Ending Animatic →Presentation Tips for How to Display Boards →How to Storyboard like Jordan Peele in Get Out →Up NextCreate a storyboard of your ownNow that you know how to make a storyboard, it's time to put all this practice into action. You've got a project burning a hole in your creative pocket. And you can even see how the scene plays out, shot by shot. Get started creating a visual representation of that vision and you'll be closer to seeing it come to life.Up Next: StudioBinder's Storyboard Creator →
Showcase your vision with elegant shot lists and storyboards.Create robust and customizable shot lists. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows.Learn More ➜ GET STARTED FOR FREE
Tags: Austin Powers, Austin Powers in Goldmember, Storyboard App, Storyboarding
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想做storyboard故事板但不会画画?让Storyboarder来帮你 - 知乎
想做storyboard故事板但不会画画?让Storyboarder来帮你 - 知乎首发于电影编剧技巧切换模式写文章登录/注册想做storyboard故事板但不会画画?让Storyboarder来帮你胡戈很多人因为不会画画,又没钱请人画,只好放弃做故事板。比如我。但现在我却开始做故事板了。因为我发现了一个很棒的软件 Storyboarder。而且它还是免费的。我先给大家演示一段我这个不会画画的人是如何用它来“画画”的,直接来个高难度的“20人打群架”怎么样?故事板软件 Storyboarder这个软件其实早就有了,几个月前我就装了,但因为它缺少一个重要功能“旋转镜头”,所以我一直很纠结到底要不要用它来做故事板。现在它终于加上了这个功能,在我眼里它终于成为了一个实用的软件,值得向大家推荐。这个软件不适合专业绘画选手,因为它功能简单,在常规功能上落后于 Toon Boom Storyboard 等专业软件。但它有一个其它软件所不具备的功能,就是可以让你用3D模型来生成故事板风格的手绘画面。比如我片子里的这个画面,一群人跳过一道矮墙然后转身蹲下躲起来,手绘的难度不是一般的高,全景,少见的侧背面角度,每个人姿态各异,对不会画画的人来说就是两眼一摸黑,直接放弃。对会画画的人来说也相当麻烦。但是用 Storyboarder ,它提供了 3D 生成工具,让你用鼠标直接操控 3D 人,来完成这个画面。别的 3D 动画软件,例如 iClone ,也能操控 3D 人,但只能生成栩栩如生的CG画面,无法生成故事板风格的手绘画面。为什么一定要故事板风格的简易手绘画面,而不要栩栩如生的CG?因为简易手绘有一个你意想不到的优势:可以放弃很多细节,以及精准度,做起来速度快。在这种风格里,你不需要做到精准,只需“示意”即可。而在别的 3D 软件里,由于画面太具体,没法“示意”,无法放弃细节,无法放弃精准度,你得把所有的东西都调好,例如表情,必须花时间去调。一个镜头调起来不累,但是几千个呢?虽说有表情预置,但不够精准,手动调节是必须的,否则那些不准确的表情会很尬。而在手绘风格里,你只需寥寥几笔,示意即可,不准确也不会觉得尬。(这个镜头,背景是我拍的场景照片,人物是 Storyboarder 生成的,表情是我画的。)软件下载你可以去官网下载原版:但是官方原版在很多功能上还是有缺陷,所以你最好下载我做的修改增强版。我的修改增强版是在官方原版的基础上,增加和修改了很多更加实用的功能,使它更加接近于其他专业软件的操控方式,建议使用。但是因为我经常更新这个软件,所以你需要在我的“电影编剧技巧”专栏里寻找最新的关于 Storyboarder 的文章,里面有下载链接。(我修改此软件的历史:一开始官方版本一直锁定在 1.18,它缺少一个重要功能“旋转镜头”,非常不方便。一位程序员网友在 Github 上给它增加了旋转镜头功能,但由于软件作者没有更新安装包,所以我为了得到旋转镜头功能,被迫去学习如何将源代码编译成软件,结果学着学着就改起了软件。过程中得到了知乎网友 @李献计 的帮助,他一直帮我把源代码做成安装包。)使用要点接下来讲讲这个软件的使用要点。请看视频。Storyboarder 的使用要点更正视频里的两个内容:关于Photoshop分层自动合并的问题,只要在Storyboarder软件的设置里,取消“Force reload of watched PSD”选项即可,不会自动合并了。关于橡皮擦的问题,如果没有画笔,只需要按住 Alt 键,然后用鼠标去擦,也可以只擦分层。3D模型下载此软件内置了一些3D模型,但还不够。下面是一个3D模型库,里面的人物不可用,但是道具可以用:编辑于 2020-06-05 19:05storyboard分镜(影视动画)电影制作赞同 64561 条评论分享喜欢收藏申请转载文章被以下专栏收录电影编剧技巧一些实用的电影编
词解释)_百度百科 网页新闻贴吧知道网盘图片视频地图文库资讯采购百科百度首页登录注册进入词条全站搜索帮助首页秒懂百科特色百科知识专题加入百科百科团队权威合作下载百科APP个人中心分镜是一个多义词,请在下列义项上选择浏览(共2个义项)展开添加义项分镜[fēn jìng]播报讨论上传视频名词解释收藏查看我的收藏0有用+10分镜(Storyboard)又叫故事板。是指电影、动画、电视剧、广告、音乐录像带等各种影像媒体,在实际拍摄或绘制之前,以图表的方式来说明影像的构成,将连续画面以一次运镜为单位作分解,并且标注运镜方式、时间长度、对白、特效等。根据媒体不同划分成不同分镜。常见的有影片分镜,漫画分镜。影片分镜用以解说一个场景将如何构成,人物以多大的比例收入镜头成为构图、做出什么动作,摄影机要从哪个角度切入或带出、摄影机本身怎么移动、录映多少时间等。早期漫画基本上是严格分格的,并且多是矩形格,每格可以理解为一小页,或电影中的一个镜头,所以有“分镜”这样的称呼。当代漫画的分格已经相当自由,基本上除了必须保证阅读方便,其他限制都可以打破,为了情节需要,出格,画面的初步布局一般也要在分镜阶段设计完成。中文名分镜外文名絵(え)コンテ(日文),Storyboard(英文)别名故事板常见影片分镜,漫画分镜图集目录1应用2漫画相关▪发生顺序▪观察角度▪关联关系基本信息中文名分镜外文名絵(え)コンテ(日文),Storyboard(英文)别 名故事板常 见影片分镜,漫画分镜应用播报编辑『分镜』一词源自于电影,在漫画上我们也可以将之称为『分格』。漫画分镜是打草稿阶段的重要工作,包括分配页数,定制每页内的格框划分等。分格是漫画的基本技巧,也是当代漫画和传统漫画联系最紧密的环节。分镜画面主要以4个方面组成:1.镜号;2.画面;3.描述;4.时间。镜号:准确的镜头编号。画面:该镜头中所要表达的内容,场景与人物关系、人物的表演状态、镜头的推拉摇移。描述:解释画面状态、人物表演情绪、人物对白以及后期制作指示。分镜时间:该镜头的拍摄时间(例:2秒10帧)漫画相关播报编辑漫画包括有单幅漫画,四格漫画,连环漫画等,而『分镜』在漫画的制作里扮演着『诠释者』的角色,意在将漫画里的事件的:1-『发生顺序』2-『观察角度』3-『事(物)件与事(物)件的关联』4-『节奏和情绪』5-『虚与实』诠释出来,将之编辑成我们所见的漫画。这就像写文章里的文法一样,将一些文字词句编辑成能令人读得懂的规则,它有时更能左右读者阅读文章的情绪及反应,相对的,漫画的分镜旨在制作一种阅读规则,并藉由这种规则诠释事件与对象。发生顺序文本:分镜一个高中女生一大早醒来,发现自己迟到了,她慌慌张张地穿了衣服跑到车站,发现校车已经开走了,正不知如何是好,一位骑着摩托车的同校帅哥看到她,表示愿意载她去学校。我们将这篇故事换成:女高中生失魂落魄地在街上走着,一位帅哥骑着车过来,问她原因,女高中生说明了今天迟到的种种,帅哥听后表示愿意载她去学校。再将故事换成:女高中生坐在一位帅哥的摩托车后坐,从他们两人的对话可以听出女高中生迟到并没办法赶上校车。观察角度文本:一个高中女生一大早醒来,发现自己迟到了,分镜她慌慌张张地穿了衣服跑到车站,发现校车已经开走了,正不知如何是好,这时她看到一位骑着摩托车的同校帅哥,表示愿意载她去学校。我们将这篇故事换成:女高中生慌慌张张地跑到车站,发现校车已经开走了,这时另一个帅哥骑车经过,看到这个奇怪的女孩子在抱怨自己迟到,他好奇地走过去,表示愿意载她去学校。再将故事换成:高中女生看到经过的帅哥,她有些惊讶地看着他,而那帅哥也停下来望着她,两人相视不久,帅哥问女高中生为什么沮丧,女高中生说明迟到的原因后,帅哥表示愿意载她去学校。关联关系文本:分镜一个高中女生一大早醒来,发现自己迟到了,她慌慌张张地穿了衣服跑到车站,发现校车已经开走了,正不知如何是好,一位骑着摩托车的同校帅哥看到她,表示愿意载她去学校。我们将这篇故事换成:女高中生迟到了,她赶不上校车,这时她看到一个帅哥骑车过来,看到她就大喊了一个女生的名字,结果发现认错人了,帅哥失望之余,还是愿意载女高中生去学校,女高中生猜出帅哥被某女孩子甩了。再将故事换成:一个帅哥赶着上学,途中看到一个穿着制服的女孩子在街上游荡,他上前搭讪,和女孩挺谈得来,两人打算逃学,边骑着摩托车边聊天,可是却在不知不觉中骑到学校门口,帅哥慌张之余,女孩却微笑地向他道谢,分镜走进学校,留下莫名其妙的帅哥。新手上路成长任务编辑入门编辑规则本人编辑我有疑问内容质疑在线客服官方贴吧意见反馈投诉建议举报不良信息未通过词条申诉投诉侵权信息封禁查询与解封©2024 Baidu 使用百度前必读 | 百科协议 | 隐私政策 | 百度百科合作平台 | 京ICP证030173号 京公网安备110000020000知识干货 | 如何快速掌握交互设计中故事板的绘制要点 - 知乎
知识干货 | 如何快速掌握交互设计中故事板的绘制要点 - 知乎首发于UXD干货集结切换模式写文章登录/注册知识干货 | 如何快速掌握交互设计中故事板的绘制要点UXD尤克斯由海外顶级设计学院发起,专注于提升学生底层能力的设计学院Storyboard故事板是交互设计常用的设计手法,但是很多同学在实际创作的过程中却对它一知半解。故事板起源于电影制作行业,在UX设计中,故事板可以帮助我们展示产品的使用情境,包括用户交互的流程,都可以借由这样连续的插画和分镜,把一个人和产品或服务之间的交互体验呈现出来。今天UXD就通过一篇文章,全面地向同学们介绍一下,什么是交互设计中故事板的正确打开方法。01 Storyboard简介故事板的想法是在20世纪30年代早期由沃尔特·迪斯尼工作室提出的。迪斯尼动画师韦布·史密斯创造了在不同的纸上的场景,然后把它们钉在公告板上按顺序讲述故事的想法,从而创造了第一个故事板(克里斯托弗·芬奇,沃尔特·迪斯尼的艺术,艾布拉姆斯,1973)。第一个完整的故事板是1933年的迪斯尼短片《三只小猪》(沃尔特·迪斯尼的故事,亨利·霍尔特,1956)而创作的。这是电影故事板。像这样的电影故事板的目的是传达相机角度和场景的感觉。您会注意到单个镜头(面板)的尺寸对应于标准的电影屏幕尺寸。但是UX故事板却和电影故事板有很大的不同。交互设计的设计对象是用户的行为,UX故事板的目的即是考虑和传达一系列的状态与行为,而不是提供特定的视觉方向。UX故事板展示了某人如何与未来的产品或服务互动,重要的是所涉及的行为和情绪。02 优点1.说明用户体验的重要步骤显示的屏幕被绘制在纸上或使用其他专用软件,以说明用户体验的重要步骤。用户准确地理解软件与硬件将如何工作,比抽象描述好得多。2.印象深刻,可读性强认知心理学家杰罗姆·布鲁纳( Jerome Bruner )认为,当一个事实被包裹在一个故事中时,我们记住它的可能性要高22倍。为什么?因为故事令人难忘。故事帮助我们快速抓住一个想法的要点。它们引发我们的情感。3.唤起设计师与观者的同理心通过图画与文字结合的方式,故事版的情节代入感强,是设计师以用户为中心进行设计的关键步骤之一,与此同时,观者在了解设计师的设计时,有很大的可能开始就被故事版的展示形式与内容吸引。4.参与感与趣味性故事版不仅可以叙事软硬件产品的使用流程,还可以添加一些趣味性与幽默感,是的广泛的传播与讨论变得可能。在阅读故事版时,观者的参与感更强,观者与设计作品的互动性更好。03故事板三要素1.用户:在设计前期进行问卷调查、用户访谈和实地观察等用户研究过后,需要确立典型的用户画像。绘制同理心地图(empathy map)。在故事版的叙述过程中,需要将这个典型用户(persona)视觉化展示出来,并且把同理心地图中所看、所听、所想、所说、所做的一些重要内容以叙述性故事的形式展示出来。2.场景:在故事版中需要展示出故事发生前、发生时和发生后的场景3.情节:在UX故事版中,由于设计产品的出现,导致故事中的情节发生变化甚至反转。设计产品的出现也会对典型用户的情绪产生变化:在故事版的创作过程中,需要表现出典型用户在使用产品前后的情感变化,即表情变化。04如何讲好故事?19世纪德国剧作家和小说家古斯塔夫·弗赖塔格(Gustav Freytag)画了一个简单的三角形来表示戏剧结构,并强调了他认为讲故事所必需的七个部分 : 阐述(exposition)、煽动事件(inciting action)、上升的动作(rising action)、高潮(climax)、下降的动作(falling action)、决议(resolution)和结尾(ending)。1.解说(exposition) :讲故事的人设置场景和人物的背景。2.煽动事件( inciting action ) :角色对已经发生的事情做出反应,并引发一连串的事件。3.行动起来( rising action ) :故事开始了。通常会有复杂的情况,这意味着角色试图解决的问题会变得更加复杂。4.高潮( climax ) :故事达到了主角和对手之间最大的紧张点(或者如果只有一个主要角色,那个角色的黑暗或光明似乎控制了局面)。5.下降动作( falling action ) :故事转移到作为高潮的结果而发生的动作,这也可以包含一个逆转(当角色展示他们如何被高潮的事件所改变)。6.解决方案( resolution ) :角色解决问题或冲突。7.结局( ending ) :结局通常是快乐的05 如何为自己的设计创建故事板?第一步:从纯文本和箭头开始。最主要的是将故事分解成各个时刻(背景、触发因素、一个角色在这个过程中所做的决定,以及最终的好处或问题)。第二步:给你的故事增添情感。在每一步都添加表情符号,以帮助其他人了解角色头脑中的想法。记得举例说明一路上对成功/痛苦点的任何反应(角色期望发生什么,结果如何影响他/她?试着把每个情绪状态都画成一个简单的表达。第三步:将每个步骤翻译成故事板框架。强调每一刻,想想你的角色对此有何感受。在绘制的过程中,可以手动进行绘制,也可以使用专门的故事版软件,如storyboarder等。也可以使用photoshop手绘板或者ipad-procreate等设计工具进行绘制。第四步:在绘制手机界面的时候,绘制出主要的故事版中使用的功能即可。细节,如措辞,布局和风格应该在以后的过程中考虑。第五步:故事叙述者的评论—有时出现在框架顶部或底部以推进叙事;语言和思想活动泡泡—把它们放在任何评论下面,并考虑你的观众将如何阅读它们;人物与场景—展示足以表明对你的故事有意义的东西。上图故事内容:今年假期,小美打算去海滩度假。但是她不知道去哪里更好,不知道如何开始。她在脸书上问朋友,没有得到满意的回复。她在谷歌上搜索,发现信息太多不知从何开始。第二天,她在公司隔壁的旅游代理处咨询,却发现等了好久好久… 她很无奈的说:“我还是家里宅吧”第六步:设计清晰的结果。确保你的故事板让你的观众对故事的结局没有任何疑问:如果你在描述一个不利的情况——以问题的解决结束,如果你提出一个解决方案——以该解决方案对你的角色的好处结束。06 注意事项1.让它不言自明。人们不应该需要现场解说来了解发生了什么。删掉任何不必要的多余部分。不管一个句子、图片或页面有多好,如果它不能增加整体信息的价值,你应该删除它。2.不显示用户界面细节。这个故事应该突出过程中的主要步骤。细节,如措辞,布局和风格应该在以后的过程中考虑。3.可读性强。你希望房间里的每个人都能够在会议环境中阅读你的漫画。带有大文本的横向布局有助于确保每个人都能欣赏你的作品。4.真实性。最重要的是让角色、他们的目标以及他们的经历尽可能清晰。如果你写的东西与你的产品没有共鸣,你的用户就能看出来。因此,在真实的环境中关注真实的人,你的观众会同情他们。5.你不需要擅长画画。好消息是,在你开始画场景故事板之前,你不需要擅长画画。尽管绘画经验有所帮助,但最重要的是尽可能清楚地描述人物、他们的目标以及他们的经历。你如何渲染这取决于你和你的技能和品味,但是在故事板的情况下,越少越好。6.故事板保真度。把你的故事板风格和技术想象成一个保真度谱上的点,或者抽象层次。斯科特·麦克劳(Scott McCloud)德解释说,漫画是一个相似/意义连续体,从完全真实的图像到标志性的图像,抽象程度越来越高。低保真度意味着示意性的方框、圆圈和简笔画,高保真度意味着摄影的真实性。——————————————————————————————————————更多知识干货以及其他海外留学的资讯可以关注 UXD交互工业产品设计分享或者 添加小助手,还可获取讲座直播哦~|福利大放送 | WELFARE对于设计初学者,完成从0开始创作几乎是不可能的,就像学习过程中书读百遍其义自见一样。有了大量的积累,才能在脑海里建立素材库,这些素材库能帮助同学们完成最初的设计想法积累,基于这样的基础再进行个性化的创作,最终才能做出高质量的作品集。全球院校最新作品集免费拿!添加小助手即可获取UXD交互工业产品设计学院是尤克斯国际旗下的一家专注于交互、服务、工业、产品设计专业的顶级设计学院。除了一对一设计课、基础技能课程、小组课题、设计评图、联合教学外,我们提供不定主题的公开课和内部小组课,教学计划课程由三大部分组成,包括基础软件技能教学、设计理论系统讲座、申请必备知识解析等。本文版权归UXD尤克斯所有,部分图片来自网络不用于商业用途,如有侵权请与我们联系。发布于 2020-08-26 11:56交互设计storyboard作品集portfolio赞同 10添加评论分享喜欢收藏申请转载文章被以下专栏收录UXD干货集结最新毕设、作品集资源、好书甄选,你想要的这里
What is a Storyboard? The Fundamentals to Get You Started
What is a Storyboard? The Fundamentals to Get You Started
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Alyssa Maio
on March 26, 2023
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Planning a video or sequence in a film doesn’t come second nature to most filmmakers. Serious prep is required. Lucky for you, there are tools to make this easier. Laying out your vision in a storyboard is one way to do it. What is a storyboard you may ask? It is a roadmap that will guide your journey from script to screen. To really grasp the benefits of storyboarding, we’ll go beyond a simple storyboard definition to explore how filmmakers like Ridley Scott and the Coen Bros. rely on this fundamental process and how easy it will be for you to do the same on your next project.
Storyboard DefinitionFirst let's define storyboardAlfred Hitchcock was notorious for his 'boards' — precisely crafting the movie in his head and on the page. He was so detailed, in fact, that actually shooting the film was boring. All the interesting work had already been done.Does this mean that you have to be as precise as Hitchcock? Absolutely not. Storyboarding is a tool that filmmakers bring into their process but everyone is different. In reality, defining "what is a storyboard" is actually up to the individual and what they make of it.We'll begin with a quick storyboard definition before jumping into some storyboard examples and video interviews with filmmakers on their individual approaches for how to make a storyboard.STORYBOARD DEFINITIONWhat is a storyboard?A storyboard is a visual representation of a film sequence and breaks down the action into individual panels. It is a series of ordered drawings, with camera direction, dialogue, or other pertinent details. It sketches out how a video will unfold, shot by shot.It's is similar to a trial-run for your finished film, video, or commercial, laid out in a comic book-like form.What's a Storyboard?Drawings, sketches, reference images or photographs to represent each frame.A description of the shot — any relevant information on the action, dialogue, or composition.Shot specs — shot size, lens length, two-shot, etc.Arrows to indicate camera and/or character movement or how each shot connects to the next.It's one thing to define storyboards — but what does a storyboard look like? From simple stick figures to detailed sketches, the quality or content of each panel is really a secondary concern as long as the board serves its purpose for the filmmakers.We've imported selected boards from Austin Powers in Goldmemberinto StudioBinder's storyboard software to give you a better idea of the common elements found in a board.Example of storyboard software Storyboard Format and LayoutTraditional vs. thumbnailStoryboards can contain as much information as you want. Again, this is a tool to help you with the pre-production process so don't feel completely tied to one storyboard format over another.There are two basic versions of storyboard format: traditional and thumbnail. In short, the difference between these two layouts comes down to how much detail you include. Traditional storyboards are what we see above — basic pencil sketches that include detailed information like arrows for camera movement, characters, props, etc.There are also thumbnail style storyboards that don’t have any writing. Keep in mind I use the term thumbnail in this article and was referring to the image, not this style board. Again, the more detail you put into it, the easier it will be to execute later.They’re not used as often as detailed ones. But then again, if it’s just you, or a small team, writing might not be necessary. Here’s an example of a thumbnail board from a scene that needs no introduction — the shower scene from Hitchcock’s Psycho.Psycho shower scene storyboardRELATED POSTSHow to Make a Storyboard →A Collection of Storyboard Examples →Storyboards from Jordan Peele's 'Get Out' →Storyboard ExamplesHow directors approach boardsIt's easy to define "what is a storyboard" but to fully understand what they are how they work, let's look at some storyboard examples.Hitchcock wasn't the only director to make storyboards part of his process. Many directors make a storyboard for every single scene while others only use them for more complicated sequences. There are some directors that forego the process entirely. Here's a storyboard example from the Coen Bros. first feature film, Blood Simple. Their approach to storyboarding, like everything else they do, is completely unique to them.In this video, we get to see their original storyboards overlaid with the finished frames as they discuss their thought process.
Initial boards and final images from Blood SimpleIf you're familiar with Ridley Scott's career, you'll remember that he began as an artist working on commercials. Once he became a director, he was able to bring that artistic talent into making his own boards.With films like Blade Runner and Alien, it should be clear that storyboarding helps him craft intricate and layered imagery. In this video, Scott discusses his personal relationship with storyboards at length as we watch a side-by-side comparison for his film Hannibal.
Ridley Scott takes storyboarding very seriouslyMost of the time, a storyboard is constructed to match what's already been written in the script but they can also become deeply tied to the actual storytelling process. The importance of a storyboard in animation cannot be overstated.An animation storyboard and animatics are fundamental steps, not just to refine the specific animation and movements but to craft story beats and character behavior at the same time.Here's Josie Trinidad, the head of the story team for Ralph Breaks the Internet, on how she brings story and character considerations into an animation storyboard.
How to refine character and story with a storyboardOur last storyboard example takes this idea of storyboard/script hybrid to the extreme. For his return to the Mad Max universe, director George Miller was aiming for a near-silent action film. This "graphic novel" approach was his initial guide to crafting the action, story and characters. Only then was an actual script crafted. This is obviously the reverse of how storyboards are made but based on how successfully the film captures intense and elaborate action, maybe he's on to something.
Mad Max: Fury Road, when a storyboard comes before the scriptNow that we have fully answered the question of "what is a storyboard," you should be fully prepared to start making your own. Your next step is learning how to make a storyboard, where you can also download a free storyboard template. RELATED POSTSHow to Make a Storyboard Online →Websites to Find a Storyboard Artist →FREE: 60 of the Best Storyboard Templates →Up NextOfficial DGA Storyboard ExamplesAs we discussed above, every filmmaker approaches storyboarding differently. Some prefer black and white over color; some are satisfied with stick figures, while others turn each panel into a legitimate work of art. Let's continue our exploration of storyboards with dozens of more examples from some of Hollywood's biggest films like Jurassic Park, Alien, and Inception.Up Next: A-list storyboard examples →
Showcase your vision with elegant shot lists and storyboards.Create robust and customizable shot lists. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows.Learn More ➜ GET STARTED FOR FREE
Tags: Alfred Hitchcock, Alien, Blade Runner, Blood Simple, Coen Brothers, George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road, Psycho, Ridley Scott, Storyboard App, Storyboarding
Alyssa Maio
Alyssa Maio is a screenwriter from New Jersey, now living in Los Angeles. She works as a copywriter here at StudioBinder.
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Why choose to work with Storyboard Pro?
Benefits of Storyboard Pro
Used by storytellers, directors, and creatives globally, Storyboard Pro empowers you to get your ideas down, structure the sequence and elaborate the story so it can be shared, pitched and promoted on your terms. This all-in-one storyboard solution combines drawing, scripting, camera controls, animatic creation capabilities and sound. Seamlessly integrating with Harmony, Storyboard Pro is the way to get your content off the ground quickly and easily.
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Unlimited creative freedom on your terms
Flexibility, functionality and sensitivity of tools allows you to create at the highest quality
Cost and time savings
Reliable support team that stands behind their software and services; we are reachable — speak with our team live
Value — while we do not have the lowest prices, we do ensure the highest quality ensuring the integrity of your artistic expression
Chosen by the leading studios worldwide who are setting the industry standard, for over 25 years
We don’t say we are the best — our Emmy-winning technology has the awards to prove it
Our community and network makes us unique; we were built for animation professionals and we intend to stay that way
The features that make Storyboard Pro what it is
Storyboard Pro Industry Leading Features
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Whether you started your project with a script or you chose to write the script as you draw your boards, Storyboard Pro has your back! Import your full script from any source and always stay in line with the most important part of any production: the Story. Add captions to your panels by simply dragging and dropping sections from your script.
Used Final Draft to create your script and manage your scenes, shots or panels? Storyboard Pro can automatically generate a storyboard from a .fdx import with scene breakdowns, naming and captions.
Interview Collin Tsandilis
Interview Collin Tsandilis
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Toon Boom’s legendary drawing engine, capable of seamless work in vector and bitmap simultaneously, Storyboard Pro will allow you to push the bound- aries of creativity. Sketching or drafting has never been so responsive with the Brush tool which has been developed to feel as close to a real brush as possible. Set up advanced brush attributes, add textures to your vector lines and see them update while drawing, modify your lines as you see fit or convert bitmap lines to vector (also works the other way around!) with or without textures… the world is your oyster!
If accuracy is your thing then make use of Storyboard Pro’s rich library of rulers, guides and grids. Work in Isometric view for Gaming production or create a fisheye view of your shot, set up proportion grids for perfect compositions or, if you need to view your work from a new angle, simply mirror your workspace.
Create complex images with multiple layers while making use of texture shading, transparency and overlays. With Storyboard Pro you will be able to work efficiently and take your boards to new heights.
Drawing Workflow
Drawing Workflow
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From the ground up, Storyboard Pro has a full 3D environment built in which you can activate at any time. All your layers can be manipulated onall 3-axis at the same time allowing you to create immersive worlds. Storyboard Pro’s camera can be placed or animated either by framing your panel on 2-axis at a time or by converting it to a 3D camera. Parallax issues are things of the past!
Time your camera animation on one or extend its movement over multiple panels, Storyboard Pro will always help you convey the desired action.
As you are creating your boards, Storyboard Pro is automatically laying your panels in sequence on a timeline. This is the basis for your animatic, a video version of your storyboard. From there, adjust the timing of your scenes, add transitions, time your camera animation and even animate each layer of a panel to create easier, more compelling movements for your story.
The Storyboard Pro timeline will be familiar to the most demanding video editors, allowing you to edit multiple video and audio tracks, adjust durations with the “ripple subsequent panels” on or off, reposition your in/out points dynamically or cut/insert portions of your edit.
Export your animatic in multiple formats, in parts or as a single rendered video. Storyboard Pro will now allow you to export to Apple® ProResTM boosting full compatibility with the most demanding industry requirements.
Apple® ProResTM codecs provide an unparalleled combination of multistream, real-time editing performance, impressive image quality, and reduced storage rates. All Apple® ProResTM codecs support all frame sizes (including SD, HD, 2K,
4K, and 5K) at full guide your drawings with rulers and perspective guides.
No animatic would be complete without the addition of sound. Add as many soundtracksas you want to from the most commonly used formats. Record your own temp track if needed directly from Storyboard Pro’s timeline. Link any audio clip to your storyboard panels so that you never lose sync or lock background sounds grounding them throughout the editing process.
Do your mixing directly in Storyboard Pro by adjusting audio levels for multiple or individual clips, dynamically adding keyframes all the while monitoring Audio Levels to avoid clipping. To give your sounds more personality, open up the Effect Stack view and add a variety of effects. If this is still not enough, Storyboard Pro lets you export your entire sequence as a merged or individual track in a variety of formats and quality.
Audio Levels
Audio Levels
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We know how creatively demanding projects can be, that’s why Storyboard Pro is built from the ground up in a fully 3D environment allowing you, not only to manipulate 2D planes on multiple axes, but also import 3D assets, incorporate them to your panels and animate them as you would any other layer. Bring in FBX, OBJ or Alembic files, access sub-nodes, add keyframes to any individual 3D asset and animate the 3D camera. With Storyboard Pro, watch your animatic come to life, whether your project is a 3D, 2D, live action, gaming or hybrid production.
System Requirements
An Internet connection is required to activate the software.
Storyboard Pro 20 also supports Blackmagic Design playback devices when using cached playback. For a full list of improvements and new features, please see our detailed Storyboard Pro 20 release notes.
System requirements can be updated or changed without notice.
Software Requirements
Windows 11
Windows 10 (64-bit)
macOS 13.0.1 (Ventura)
macOS 12.5 (Monterey)
macOS 11.6.8 (Big Sur)
macOS 10.15.7 (Catalina)
macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave)**In order to run on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave), the quarantine attribute must be removed from the application folder. Please refer to the release notes for more details.
Hardware Requirements
Processor (Windows)
2.0 GHz Intel Core i3 processor or higher
Processor (macOS)
ARM-Based Apple silicon processor or 2.0 GHz Intel Core i3 processor or higher
Hard Disk Space (Windows)
695 MB
Hard Disk Space (macOS)
1.21 GB
Hard Drive
SSD recommended for working in HD, High-End SSD recommended for working in 4k.
1920 x 1080
1280 x 800
16 GB
4 GB
Video Card (Windows)
NVIDIA® fully supporting OpenGL with 512 MB RAM
Video Card (macOS)
Video card fully supporting OpenGL with 512 MB RAM
Drawing Tablet Support
Wacom Intuos Pro or Wacom Cintiq
Wacom Bamboo or Wacom Intuos
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A journey of imagination and inspiration, where every frame tells a story.
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